"The NBC-TV 1970-71 Rankin Bass series, Tomfoolery, was based upon the nonsensical verse and whimsical characters of authors such as Edward Lear, Ogden Nash, Frank Gelett Burgess, and Lewis Carroll. It was billed as a mixture of Riddles, Jokes and Silly Things."
Whoa, it's been a long time since I posted here! I want to thank everyone who contacted me regarding my disappearance! Billoney is still alive and thriving! I actually have tons of stuff to post here, but my attention cycle is ever rotating! Here's a taste of what I've been doing most recently...
Billoney - Our Founder A junk artist, a junk collector, and a connoisseur of fine junk foods. Contact The BooBerry Alarmclock Headquarters: Email: booberrybill *at* gmail *dot* com AOL-IM: booberrybill